The power of Three
Our mentorship program is composed of three people—the mentee (military man or woman), a civilian mentor and a veteran mentor. Our belief is that this method is vital to our program’s success and mission. The veteran and the civilian together are able to form a strong bond with a mentee, bridging any gaps in both worlds (see the “bridge concept”).
Founded on the tenets of faith, the power of three goes even deeper in the doctrine of the Trinity—one God in three divine persons. In tandem, our program is three people working towards one goal, the goal of our mission.
We believe in the “power of three” so wholeheartedly that we have included it into our brand identity using the shape of a shield to form the icon of the soaring eagle.
Get Involved
Whether you’re a veteran, retiree, in a career or own a business, there’s a place for you in our mission. Help us help those who serve our country.

Solving the problem with mentorships
Today, less than one-half of one percent of our American population is composed of military veterans. Compare this with the almost 12% of the population that constituted veterans following World War II. It is easy to see the sharp contrast and potential difficulties of re-acclimating into the civilian lifestyle. The average citizen cannot relate to the life-changing experiences that today’s veterans undergo while in the military. Yet, many in the civilian population have a strong desire to help our vets.
Claymore Operations links the veteran with a unique mentorship network, thereby opening the doors into the next chapter of life. Our mentorship program works with the active-duty military man or woman to assist with life-long skill building.
Relationship building is the foundation of Claymore Operations and provides the active-duty military individual with one civilian mentor and one veteran mentor. By participating in short, weekly conference calls the following needs are addressed:
Personality and situational assessment testing, along with experience inventories aid in the determination of a more thorough understanding of the skills and personality of the military service person, as well as increased awareness for the mentors. Mentors assist their mentee in translating these skills from military language into that which is more commonly used in the civilian workforce.
Values and life long goals are established, thereby ensuring the military individual truly understands what is of importance to them. From the values determination, a life plan can be created to assist in making future decisions, both personal and career related.
Career path narrowing and/or college and occupational searches are initiated through advice meetings, job shadowing, and internships with professionals in desired industries, thereby narrowing the range of career interests of the military man or woman.
Our contact with the veteran develops over the long haul, because at Claymore Operations, we help the future veteran build lasting relationships with our network of veteran and civilian mentors. Mentors who will remain in contact throughout the individual’s military career and aid in the transition back into the real world.
We are aware of the veteran issues of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and moral injury. We want to aid in the minimization of these emotional problems by forming a close personal relationship with the veteran. We will cultivate that relationship before the PTSD or moral injury occurs.
The great college football coach, Lou Holtz once said: “People need something to do, someone to love, someone to believe in, and something to hope for.” Often in the military, the active-duty serviceman or woman only thinks of making it through the day, but at Claymore Operations, our goal is to help the veteran build a network of support to help them make it through a lifetime.
Because our veterans do not typically have a network when they return from service, trying to break back into the civilian world can exacerbate a lack of confidence. Claymore Operations and the relationships formed will make that transition process a reality.
Are you willing to enter into a life-changing relationship with a veteran? As a vet or interested civilian, Claymore Operations needs you to help the incoming veteran build his or her network.
Claymore Operations works globally to connect a pair of mentors to any active-duty serviceman or woman who wants one. In today’s world, boundaries are not an issue. We can connect a military individual with a civilian mentor and a veteran mentor no matter where they live. These three individuals will stay connected as long as is necessary; from the day the individual enters the service until well after they are settled into their civilian life. Our goal is to connect talented and accomplished volunteers with those who do not know their next step; to aid them through their military career and take advantage of every opportunity that arises. By starting the mentorship when the individual is still active duty, this ensures a smoother transition back into the civilian population, thereby creating a greater impact for our nation. The military serviceman or woman is already a hero because they have served our nation, the mentors at Claymore Operations ensure these heroes can bring their abilities to fruition.
Apply for a Mentor
Our military personnel have the greatest chance to establish that bright future when working alongside dedicated and passionate mentors. We need military veterans and civilian volunteers willing to donate their time to mentor an active-duty serviceman or woman. If you are interested, please connect with us today.